Data, data, data!
We first contacted the Office for National Statistics on the 26th January 2022 – see email below.
26 January 2022 –
ONS reply – 27th January 2022
Many thanks for getting in touch. We are currently considering additional survey questions relating to long COVID, including on PEM, and I have noted your very helpful suggested wording.
Kind regards,
Principal Statistical Methodologist
Office for National Statistics | Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol
This was an encouraging response and Stripy Lightbulb CIC waited to see if any changes would be implemented in subsequent ONS questionnaires.
I also emailed the ONS on 3rd February 2022 with this email –
3rd February 2022
As a social entrepreneur who is tackling the social issue of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with education, I’m contacting you to see if the ONS could help to work out the prevalence in the UK.
The 250,000 statistic is well over a decade old and as we gain around 9000 patients every year (outside of the pandemic), the need to update this prevalence statistic is greater than ever.
I contacted you a week ago to ask if questions could be included within your Long Covid questions to determine how many have PEM – the hallmark characteristic of M.E/C.F.S. I was assured that this is something that the ONS is already working on. Great news! Thank you.
But I am now wondering if these same questions could be included within your more routine surveys in later years. For example, running a ‘wash-up’ of the pandemic survey in late 2023, would capture the number of people who have PEM in the wider population, not just those who have Long Covid-related PEM.
We need this, I am not sure if you are aware but cases of M.E?C.F.S are not recorded accurately for 2 reasons –
– Most GPs do not know what M.E/C.F.S is and under/misdiagnosis is common.
– Coding systems are confusing and M.E/C.F.S is often coded incorrectly
This is why, historically, prevalence has been estimated at between 0.20% to 1.03% of the population – depending on who was doing the research.
I believe the ONS could help us to get a much more accurate idea of how many people in the UK have PEM and as such are likely to have ME/CFS (would have to meet rest of the criteria too).
I hope you can help.
Best wishes,
Sally Callow
ONS response -17th February 2022
Dear Sally
Many thanks for your email. You are correct that we considering changes and additions to our long COVID data collection, including asking survey participants about post-exertional malaise.
Beyond the pandemic, we would need to identify a suitable survey vehicle for collecting data on symptoms associated with other conditions such as ME/CFS. Our long COVID data are collected on the Coronavirus Infection Survey (CIS), which has obviously been set up specifically to gather insights on COVID-19, and at present we don’t run any other surveys on population health more generally.
Have you considered making contact with NHS Digital, who run the Health Survey for England:
Kind regards,
| Principal Statistical Methodologist
Office for National Statistics | Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol
Readers – we contacted NHS Digital, they will not be doing this research.
PEM/PESE was not added to the February/March/April/May/June COVID19 questionnaires and so I emailed again on 16th June 2022
16th June email to ONS –
Email response from ONS – 23rd June 2022
Hi Sally
Thanks for your email. It has not been possible to modify the survey questionnaire since the last update to the long COVID symptom list due to ongoing work to transition the survey to an online platform.
We would very much like to ask survey respondents with long COVID about their experience with PEM, but I can’t give you a timeline for when such a question could be added to the survey at this stage.
Kind regards,
| Principal Statistical Methodologist
Office for National Statistics | Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol
Freedom of Information Request
Stripy Lightbulb CIC decided to submit a Freedom of Information request to see what decisions had been taken internally at ONS regarding data collection on PEM/PESE. We received an FOI response on 19th July 2022.
Questions must surely be asked as to why a question about one of the ‘common’ symptoms of Long Covid is not included on this important questionnaire. PEM/PESE is a symptom of Long Covid because half of Long Covid cases meet the diagnostic criteria for M.E/C.F.S. We believe that a deliberate decision must have been made to exclude this symptom/characteristic from the data collection.
This data would be supplementary to research estimates and would reinforce the anecdotal knowledgebase.
The M.E/C.F.S community need every bit of data available, that includes data on PEM/PESE amongst the Long Covid patient community.
This is a work in progress.
Sally Callow, Managing Director, Stripy Lightbulb CIC.